Due to weather conditions, delays on the network may occur. To stay informed about service status and plan your trips during winter, please check out our articles and practical tools.
Find the position or internship for you and start a unique career in public transit! Don’t find the position that interests you? Send us your C.V. and we’ll take care of the rest. You can also join one of our many transit operators. This way to drive, repair or clean heavy vehicles! Send us your C.V. to help support public transit customers every day. Here are just some of the benefits you’ll enjoy when joining exo: Flexible work arrangements for most positions Maximized holidays and generous vacation days A simplified, advantageous pension plan Full group insurance coverage A telemedicine service An employee and family assistance program Option to join the social committee An OPUS card that covers the Greater Montreal area And that’s not to mention participating in stimulating projects that allow you to grow both professionally and personally, alongside a talented and energetic team! In order to counter discrimination in all forms and provide equal access to employment for everyone, we adhere to the Equal Access Employment Program (In french). The majority of our positions only require knowledge of the French language. In accordance with article 20.1 of the Charte de la langue française, exo makes available the number of positions for which knowledge of a language other than French is required and those for which this knowledge is desirable (asset). Consult this list here (In French).
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Apply to job postings or send us your C.V.
Do you drive buses or trains?
Do you like to help customers?
Our benefits are first-rate!
Diversity takes us further
Working Language