Due to weather conditions, delays on the network may occur. To stay informed about service status and plan your trips during winter, please check out our articles and practical tools.
Assistive technologies are software or tools that enable persons with functional limitations to use a computer autonomously to receive or transmit information. They include braille screen or speech synthesis readers, screen magnification software, adapted pointers and keyboards, voice recognition software and optical character recognition software.
We are committed to continuously improving the user-friendliness and accessibility of our new website to comply with the Standards sur l'accessibilité d'un site Web (SGQRI 008-01).
To do so, we work with the following browsers and validation tools to test pages on our website:
Firefox is a free, versatile and multi-platform web browser (Windows, Mac, Linux, etc.). One of the most popular browsers, it offers several tools to make web content accessible to all users, including the blind, visually impaired or those with functional limitations.
This Microsoft browser is the most used in the world; over 9 out of 10 computers are equipped with it. Our site is designed to display properly in the recent versions, but may present compatibility problems with older versions. Several functionalities are integrated into the Windows operating system, such as system sound reading and keyboard navigation activation.
NVDA (Non Visual Desktop Access) is a free screen reader for the Microsoft Windows operating system. By transforming information through speech synthesis or braille, NVDA allows blind or visually impaired persons to use Windows as well as many other applications available in this environment.
The main functionality of the Jaws software is to intercept information displayed on a computer screen to send it to a braille display or speech synthesis.